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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Similar Texts: Maroon 5's Songs About Jane album cover

Songs About Jane is the debut album by Maroon 5, released in 2002. This album cover features no real person but instead has an artists' impression of a nude woman. Her flowing hair covers parts of her body, giving the impression she could represent Eve from the Old Testament of the Bible, with the red colour scheme connoting lust and danger. She is holding a jewel encrusted box from which there are dark tendrils of shadow escaping. This probably represents Pandora's Box, and coupled with the title of the record the viewer can assume the woman depicted is "Jane" and that she may be a very troublesome character. This is both emphasised by the red colour scale and contradicted by the flowers adorning her hair, which contrastly makes her seem like a gentle character. The only writing on the sleeve is the names of the band and the record. This could be because their fans do not need an image of the band to recognise the album. The fonts are simple and easy to read, therefore not detracting attention from the image presented.

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